Soundtrack of Our lives

The band named Soundtrack of Our Lives, is a Swedish rock band their most popular song was Second Life Replay.

The song is pretty good but I love the bands name. When i was younger I played the pc game Sim City. In the game Sim City you are the mayor/planner/terraformer of a city. You build up land features, zone the land and manage the people on that land through city policy. The one thing I truly loved about the whole process was the music that played in the background of the game. As you built streets, rivers and lakes you were treated to Jazz music. I would listen to the jazz and go to work.

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything


I love all kinds of music. The book titled And to Think I Saw it on Mulberry Street was Theodore Geisel’s first published book. The format for the book was said to have come from the sounds of an Ocean Liners engine on a transatlantic trip the author took.

“Everything in Life is Vibration”

Albert Einstein

Everything on earth vibrates and creates a frequency. There really is a sound to everything. The right music can make life that much better and the right music is whatever you like at a specific time.

My taste in music is eclectic and I think if people are truly honest that most peoples taste in music is also eclectic. Depending on what headspace we are in or want to be in there is music for that.

Photo by Brett Sayles on

This week let’s all listen to a style or genre of music we have never heard before. There was a former work colleague who listened to a heavy dose of Celtic punk music. Until I rode to lunch with this guy I had never before heard of this music now if the mood is right I quite enjoy some Flogging Molly.

Enjoy life and the sound of all of it.

Two things

Yesterday evening, I was finishing up my work for the day at a site. As I was walking through the hall I noticed a bulletin board on the wall. The board had a rainbow and the words “be a RAINBOW in someone else’s cloud” written on it.

On the way home from this site I noticed some pretty dark clouds forming and I felt what I often do when I see the clouds like that a little foreboding then a little excitement. Storms are chaotic that way. Of course when asked everybody will say they want sunny and 70 weather its amazing and bucolic even. But storms come and they are in their own right pretty incredible.

Two songs came to mind when I thought about the bulletin board and the storm clouds. One was an REO speed wagon song called Riding out the storm. In the song riding out the storm, the band sings about times in life that seem like storms will come and it will be ok we will be ok if we just ride them out.

I also thought about A Doors song called, Riders on the Storm. In the song Riders on the storm the band sings about a chaotic life and what it is like to navigate this with help from friends and loved ones (kind of like being a rainbow). This is what I thought the Doors song was about however I did two things and went down a rabbit hole with the lyrics from this Doors song and totally forgot about the lyrics from verse one in the song. In my defense the song starts with the chorus so verse 1 was easily forgettable for me.

Verse 1

There’s a killer on the road
His brain is squirmin’ like a toad
Take a long holiday
Let your children play
If you give this man a ride
Sweet family will die
Killer on the road

Pretty dark right? I totally forgot about this part of the songs lyrics. I have found myself doing this often in songs and literature I read where I do not remember the all the parts. SO art is of course subjective and in a gestalt manner I find the song by the doors Riders on the Storm to be uplifting and what I said before. I am not going to try and dissect the song anymore because I don’t want to get any darker and part of me thinks that the writers of Riders on the Storm may have just dropped acid before writing the lyrics. The song was written by The Doors.

So enjoy the song that is both uplifting and a little dark as well as this trippy video and be some ones rainbow or girl that can save everyone be a rainbow.