How can we?

Accidents happen, and the nature of an accident causes changes and damage to the normal day and life that we are living. Often we see accidents happen to others and we wonder what can we do to help.

I remember listening to a country music star talk about how he was shocked when he heard the news about the terrorist attack in the United States on 9/11/2001. The star went on to say that, after the shock he just wanted to help and wasn’t sure how he could. He then decided to write and play music about the event because that is what he knew.

Of course we can and do and should give to charities, money is always helpful to a charity and if you can do it I would suggest giving in a sustainable manner (monthly, bi monthly or yearly). Money as charity is good because it is modular, the charity can use it for just about anything however, we often feel like we can and should do more but what more can we do? That’s a tough question..

Do what you know best; if you’re a runner, run, if you’re a bell, ring.

Ignas Bernstein

Often we work within our strengths, or our work becomes a strength. If you are looking for a way to help a friend or family member (beyond monetary), you should lean into your strengths. You would be surprised at what someone needs when they have suffered damage because of an accident. There was a family in my church that suffered the loss of the matriarch, and I wanted to help out. I on multiple occasions brought the family plates of food and was shocked at how much this simple act seemed to help the family.

Photo by Liza Summer on

We can do a lot of help by leaning into our strengths and helping with as much kindness as we can muster. I think maybe even more important than the action of help is the attitude that we give the help with. Help with kindness in mind, not obligation or pity.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted


Take time today to help others.