Bathwater and babies

A project is planned, perfected, practiced and them performed. That is an idea situation however many projects are not planned, practiced or performed and almost no project is perfect. I worked with a project manger who planned out his project for 8 months and did no performance, that manager was let go for lack of performance. The planning perfecting and practice stage of a project are important however when any of these stages prevent action on a project than the stages should be looked at and reconsidered.

Dans ses écrits, un sage Italien
Dit que le mieux est l’ennemi du bien.


A podcast that I am a pretty big fan of called People I Mostly Admire, interviewed psychologist and author Thomas Curran. Thomas wrote a book titled The Perfection Trap. In his book Thomas explains that the pursuit of perfection and being a perfectionist is not a good thing. Perfectionism causes burnout and depression and in his book Thomas gives us tools to avoid perfectionism and embrace the power of good enough.

Photo by Zain Ali on

A wise Italian says, the best is the enemy of the good.


Chasing perfection as with any pursuit must be done with temperance and common sense if it is not the one chasing perfection risks jeopardizing their mental heath and destroying their relationships with family and friends.

Perfectionism is a trait that is often associated with obsessive compulsive disorder and is often not diagnosed or treated because it is a useful trait. People who are not your friends or loved ones will use your perfectionism to promote their own agenda.

Today we should understand that while perfection is good perfectionism should be avoided.

Perfection is impossible; just strive to do your best.

Angela Watson

You are enough and your best is enough and you can and will do your best everyday.

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