A little weekend nostalgia

The year was 1986, I was 9 years old I was a third grader in Cleveland Ohio and it was Friday. The bus drive home was the longest one of the week. At the the end of the bus stop was the walk home but, it was also freedom! We were free from school for the weekend!

The weekends were special. Friday afternoon would start with phone calls to friends about where everyone would spend the night at. If you were lucky you were hosting friends or staying at a friends house. Friday night would be a movie marathon of scary movies hosted by a wacky video host and Saturday morning would be cartoons on the tv. Saturday afternoon we rode our bikes and visited the local candy store and any open parking lots. There we did “tricks” on our bikes. Sunday was dominated by football or baseball. If you were really lucky you had tickets to the game. There was also the trip to the public library.

Photo by Rachel Claire on Pexels.com

As I got older weekends got better. As an adult I spent weekends golfing, fishing, watching sports, drinking, visiting backyard barbeques. In 2006 I was given a Blackberry Pearl and the weekends turned to not so great after that.

The always on generation did a lot to destroy the work life balance and one of the first victims of the work life balance was the epic 80’s and 90’s weekend. It is very important to maintain a work life balance. Without a work life balance you can expect health problems, burnout and depression (I know depression is a health problem).

Let’s all do our part this weekend (that’s right starting this evening when we leave work) and shut off our phones and take back the weekend. Let’s make this weekend an epic 80’s /90’s weekend!!