I know what it was now

It was a few weeks ago and I was doom scrolling through Tik Tok. Watching funny videos, woodworking videos, bread making videos (homemade bread is incredible by the way) and I stumbled on a creator that I follows live stream. The creator was holding a debate. The debate had two arguments dealing with two separate topics. One argument I totally agreed with the creator on and could see no way to change my mind from the followers that engaged with the creator. The second argument really bothered me and not because i agreed or disagreed with the creator it was the way the argument was crafted. The argument really rubbed me the wrong way and I just couldn’y put my finger on why I didn’t like the argument.

I was bugged not only by the argument but also by the fact that I couldn’t name what was happing with this persons argument. Finally it hit me! The argument was a bad faith argument, precisely an appeal to ignorance bad faith argument. This is what I think it was what do you think? The argument was that; God is imaginary because you cannot prove the existence of God. See this is textbook appeal to ignorance. Since you cannot prove that god exists than the opposite must be true. This is the type of zero sum thinking that truly bugs me to no end.

Photo by fauxels on Pexels.com

It is zero sum thinking that seems to be doing and has done major damage throughout the course of humans history. There is no doubt in my mind that the partisan attitude in the United States government has come from zero sum thinking. The racial animosity and divisions also come from a zero sum mindset as well. The zero sum theory is bad for society and the world and it is high time that humanity embrace the non zero sum thinking. Together we can and will all win.

I had to post this video

Happy Friday everyone

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